Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Do you like hugs or kisses better?

 Taste testing a hug & kiss
 Hugs Won!!!
Do you prefer a real hug or a real kiss from your family?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Winter Projects

 I think winter is the BEST/WORST season because.....
 Melted Snowman
 Grade Level....LOST Snowman
 January Quilt
Snow globe Project

Winter Observation / Foss Weather Unit

 Drawing what we observe about winter...
 Using bubbles to learn about air and wind:)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Foss ~ Weather and Air

 Exploring with air using feathers, paper, straws, balloons, foam balls, etc.

 Exploring air with parachutes
 Paper towel experiment
Foam ball experiment