Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Night Before Christmas Cont...

Getting Cozy while I read the Night Before Christmas

Bedtime snack....cookies and milk:)

The Night Before Christmas

Sleeping while waiting for Santa...AKA Mrs. Button:)
Opening their stockings and gifts from me.

Special treat from the high school band.

Opening wish gift items from you....THANK YOU!!!

Thank you for all of our supplies for the classroom!!!

Christmas Around the World ~ Mexico

We traveled around the world studying different holiday traditions. We went to Italy, Sweden, Holland, Hanuka, and Kwanzaa. Our last stop and most favorite was Mexico. Mrs. Orner's class joined Mrs. Button's class and together we broke a pinata and received new pencils, crayons and glue sticks!

Gingerbread Day

We made a's decorated according to questions we answered about ourselves.
Alexis writing about how the GB Man got away!

After decorating and eating a GB cookie....we graphed our first bite!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

December Activites

Happy Birthday Gunnar!!
RTII Decorating gingerbread cookies

We got to drink hot coco after making hot coco parfaits for Santa....he asked us for them!!

James working on his Christmas Wish List!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Grant Presentation @ Dec Decor

First Grade Teachers won a $300 grant ~ we are spending it on trait books to go along with our new reading series:)
Retired teacher reading to the first graders!
Grant was presented to us from Retired Teachers Association:)
Tree Writing....Ask kids about my tree story and Mr. Button getting stuck!!

First Grade wrote about a gift they would like to give someone from their heart!

December Decor

After reading Owl Moon we expalined what owling is.
Dec. Quilt ~ Owl Moon and North Country Night

Holiday Word Wall made with marshmallows

Holiday Fact Family ~ 2, 3, 5

Cookies for Santa...We subtracted how many he ate!